I'm a big Nintendo fan and I want to spread the joy by writing articles about Nintendo and related material. Such things include, but not limited to; thoughts on the various video games and subjects that come up, articles about my favorite things involving video games, video game reviews, as well as news from Nintendo (although I don't focus on this last one).
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Win A Wii U
E3 2012 is coming soon, so very soon, and http://attackofthefanboy.com is holding a contest where you can win your very own Wii U when it's finally released later this year. To see the full article and how you could win Nintendo's new console, click here.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
(Rumor) StarFox Metroid Crossover?
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StarFox Assult mock box art for Wii U |
A rumor is spreading across the net that Retro Studios is working on a StarFox and Metroid crossover game for the Wii U. Even though it may sound good at first the rumored plot doesn't appeal to me.
The plot of this rumored StarFox and Metroid title is that StarFox goes into deep space and crash into Samus's ship, Samus falls to a nearby planet and loses all her powers. She then has to go around the planet for some reason while trying to restore her abilities.
The game switches off between controlling Samus and Fox. When controlling Fox you are apparently trying to get to the planet, from what I heard anyways.
I tend to dislike when developers try to make two games at one like this because usually they both end up suffering, even if one of them turns out to be good because it's with the other it ends up being hated, such as Sonic Unleashed for the Wii which had awesome day levels but because of the night Werehog levels people tend to throw hate at it.
Shigeru Miyamoto Wins the Spain's Prince of Asturias Prize
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Shigeru Miyamoto is still the best when it comes to designing video games as he now adds the Spain's Prince of Asturias Prize to his trophy case. |
Shigeru Miyamoto, the man behind the Mario and Zelda series as well as many others from Nintendo, has recently won Spain's Prince of Asturias Prize. This annual prize is given to those around the world who have made notable achievements in the sciences, humanities, and public affairs
Shigeru Miyamoto was given the award for turning video games into the medium it is today, a medium capable of bringing people together regardless of who they are or where there from. Miyamoto was also praised for excluding violence from his creations.
Shigeru Miyamoto now has a new trophy for his work in video games as he adds his Prince of Asturias Prize for communications and humanities to his collection.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
5 Things You May Not Know About Pikachu
Pikachu is known as the mascot for the entire Pokemon franchise, but do you know these things about him?
1. Pikachu is an electric rodent Pokemon
2. Pikachu was the main attraction to Pokemon Yellow
3. Their have been two different Pikachu balloons for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
4. Pikachu are only native to the Kanto region, although they have been introduced in other select areas
5. Their are 63 non-reprint Pikachu Pokemon cards in the Pokemon TCG
1. Pikachu is an electric rodent Pokemon
2. Pikachu was the main attraction to Pokemon Yellow
3. Their have been two different Pikachu balloons for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
4. Pikachu are only native to the Kanto region, although they have been introduced in other select areas
5. Their are 63 non-reprint Pikachu Pokemon cards in the Pokemon TCG
Friday, April 27, 2012
Top 5 Favorite Chapters in Kid Icarus Uprising
Kid Icarus Uprising for the 3DS is an amazing game. With
great levels and some good voice acting, yes a Nintendo title with good voice
acting, it’s currently my most favorite game. Now with so many great levels,
called chapters, it was tough picking my top 5 favorite ones, but I managed in the end. So let's get to the countdown.
Warning, Spoiler Alert!!!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
New Super Mario Bros 2 For 3DS
It seems that the Super Mario title coming to the 3DS is going to be a sidescroller called New Super
Mario Bros 2. This bit of news is from Nintendo UK and Nintendo Europe, but it still kind of surprises me. I thought the 3DS title would be a 3D roaming like Super Mario 3D Land and not a sidescroller. This one could actually be the one based on the Super Mario Bros Mii Demo shown last year for the Wii U
New Super Mario Bros 2 is a bit of a strange title to me as it's actually the third in the series behind New Super Mario Bros Wii.
Other articles you may like;
When Do Video Games Stop Being Owned By Their Companies
Top Five Favorite Pokemon
Nintendo Sells 4.5 Million 3DS Units In It's First Year
Mega Man Legends 3 Project, What It Is And What Happened
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Someday Miyamoto Will Retire
It’s not a question of whether or not gaming legend Shigeru
Miyamoto will retire it’s a question of when. He’s had a great career, but he’s
now 60 and Nintendo must prepare for when he finally retires. He’s still working hard on games but he’s
letting others try and show what they can do, for its these people who will
take over when he leaves.
It’s gonna be a sad day when Miyamoto retires, but it’s not
only Nintendo that has to prepare. We gamers have to prepare for this as well.
I just hope someone new will rise to fill the gap he’ll leave behind.
Two Mario Games Confirmed
So we now have it confirmed by Nintendo that two Mario games
are in development, one for the Wii U and one for the 3DS. It’s also been confirmed
that the Wii U one will be based on the Super Mario Bros. Mii demo shown at
last year’s E3 2011.
We also know that one of them will probably be named Super
Mario 4, but it’s only announced so the title may change, and it hasn’t been
announced to be shown at E3 2012 but it probably will. However I don’t know why
they would choose that title as I can only imagine it referencing the old Super
Mario Brothers series on the NES. I doubt it’s the Wii U Mario as that one
would be the third in the New Super Mario Brothers series.
So Super Mario 4 could be the 3DS Mario title but I still
don’t follow the title. Something I noticed that other sites did not is that it’s
Super Mario 4 not Super Mario Bros. 4 so this might not even have much to do
with the NES series.
Anyways, since it’s looking like the Wii U will be having a
side scrolling Mario the 3DS will probably be a 3D free roaming Mario.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Wii U Rumored To Cost $300
I recent saw an article that says that Nintendo’s upcoming home console could cost about $300 dollars. This info comes from an anonymous source with close ties to Nintendo and believes to know how much the console will cost to manufacture.
The total estimated manufacturing cost of the Wii U console (includes cost of controller) is about $180. This seems pretty decent to me, but I know many people want to know how much they would have to pay for a second controller if theirs gets busted. Well the bill to manufacture the controller is no more than $50, but that’s not its retail price so we’ll just have to guess that price for now, maybe around $70-$80 in stores.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
List of 3DS Games I own
I currently have 9 Nintendo 3DS titles in my video game library. Let’s take a quick look at them.
Pilotwings Resort
This was one of the games released with the handheld and the first game I got for it. It’s a simple flying game using different means to transverse the skies. These methods include a plane, a jetpack, and a hang glider.
It’s an okay game but I would have preferred more locations than just Wuhu Island to explore. The graphics are pretty good and the 3D effect comes out nicely, but if you already flew around the island in Wii Sports Resort then there isn’t much to see and explore. I actually prefer the Nintendo 64 version over this one.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Adorable Pikachu Plush Toy
Today I bring you an adorably cute Pikachu plush toy. The Pokemon plush is being sold by HotTopic.com on their website. If you don’t have a cute Pikachu plush then why not take this opportunity to get one of the cutest Pokemon plush on the market.
This Pikachu plush is 6 inches tall and is one of the cutest things you may ever see.
Pokemon Pikachu Plush 6"
Check out this adorable mini Pikachu plush.
Every one loves a Pikachu Plush, so why not own a Pikachu Plush?
They have more then just the Pikachu plush so don't forget to look around their store.
Monday, April 2, 2012
When Do Video Games Stop Being Owned By Their Companies
I’ve recently been hearing about people raging about the end of a certain popular series. This game called Mass Effect is from what I heard it’s a game where the decisions you make will determine what will happen in the game, sort of like those old choose your own adventure books.
The complaints seem to come from their not being enough different endings or something like that, and people want to make their own. The problem with that is that the only way to do that is to do the coding and everything else to do so. As games can only do what their coded to do and every single possibility has to be coded differently, it’s impossible to make a ending for every person who buys the game.
But people are still raging even starting fundraisers to protest, they say that since they played through the 3 games and made their own decisions that they should have their own endings the way they want!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Kid Icarus: Uprising Prototype Gameplay Video
I'm the kind of person who like to see how video games are created, so looking at concept art and beta gameplay is very interesting to me.
Today while searching though the gaming news on Digg, I came across this prototypes version of Kid Icarus: Uprising.
Source of the video;
Today while searching though the gaming news on Digg, I came across this prototypes version of Kid Icarus: Uprising.
Source of the video;
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Addressing the Power Rumors of the Wii U
It’s been several months since Nintendo officially revealed the Wii U at E3 2011 last year, and well, it’s hard to say if the criticism has been good. It seems that the developers who have gotten their hands on the dev kits used to make the games for the new console can’t make up their minds over how powerful the console is. Some say it’s as powerful as its competitors the Xbox 360 and PS3 while others say it’s either slightly less powerful or more powerful than them.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Kid Icarus Uprising: My First Day Experience With The Game
Before I begin I must first tell you this isn’t a review, it’s more of me talking about my first day playing the game and how I felt about it. Because of I just got the game yesterday the excitement factor has yet to die down yet.
Kid Icarus Uprising is finally here, and I got my copy from Amazon yesterday and played quite a bit of it, getting all the way past chapter 10. Each chapter contains three segments always starting with a flying segment where you shoot down enemies. After that you move on to a land battle segment where you shoot and melee your opponents trying to make your way through a temple or town. The final segment is an intense boss battle against powerful foes.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Top Five Favorite Pokemon
Originally posted on chibi creations, this article has been uploaded here as well. I uploaded it here because this is my Nintendo related blog and chibi creations is my art blog.
I like Garchomp not only for it's tough
appearance but also because it's a part ground type, even though that
does remove most of it's resistances.
5. Garchomp
What do you get when you cross a
European dragon and a hammerhead shark? You may just get a Pokemon
known as Garchomp.
Garchomp is the final form of Gible
after evolving from a Gabite at level 48. It has both Dragon and
Ground attributes and a lot of power to go with it. Although it can't
actually learn Fly it can actually fly as seen in the anime, It's
Poke'dex entry also confirms this.

Garchomp was also the main battling
Pokemon of Cynthia, the champion of the Sinnoh region.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
E3 Is Coming Soon; Let's Make Some Predictions
The biggest gaming event is coming
soon, and I can hardly wait. To past the time I'm going to make some
predictions. This is just for some fun and not to be taken seriously.
Let's start off with the Nintendo Wii;
to go out with a bang they'll announce that they'll release one final
game for it. This game will be another Wii Sports, but will include
new sports like; cricket and skateboarding. In order to play some of
the games like skateboarding, you'll need a Wii Balance Board. The
locations of the game will be Wuhu Island, Crescent Island and Little
States, the last two being modified versions of locations in
PilotWings 64.
Why No Pokemon MMO?
Image by Batistick13 on DeviantArt |
Since its debut back on the original Game Boy, Pokemon has become an international icon expanding further than anyone would imagine. This series has spanned across multiple generations of handhelds with its simple “Gotta Catch Em All” style of gaming, also spawning a Japanese anime that’s still going on, and tons of merchandise.
When Pokemon was first released MMO (Mass Multiplayer Online) wasn’t even around yet, even when MMOs finally did come around we knew we wouldn’t see a Pokemon MMO as we knew home consoles couldn’t handle those things at the time. We also knew Nintendo wouldn’t go and make one for computers, they were too busy making top tier titles for their home consoles and they wouldn’t let some other company just take one of their franchises to do whatever they wanted, not after what happened with the Phillips CDi.
We had to put our desire for a Pokemon MMO adventure away for years (decades in video game years). Soon after the Wii was released and we got a feel for its online ability, are desire for a Pokemon MMO had returned. We then started going on how a Pokemon MMO would be the greatest thing ever, and we started to beg Nintendo to make one! Unfortunately we all knew that the Wii still wasn’t powerful enough to handle an MMO, it could barely handle the online games it already had.
Since it has been so long, the younger games wondered why they didn’t just have it made for computers. These young gamers were unaware of the atrocity of the Zelda CDi games that Phillips created. We more experience in the history of video games had to tell the tales of the dreaded CDi to them, and how Nintendo couldn’t just make a game for computers. This left the young gamers depressed over how what could be the greatest game, may never come to be.
But now it’s 2012, and Nintendo has revealed a new home console, the Wii U, with more power than before. They even announced they are working hard on a better online line feature, one that could compete with the online features of its competitors.
Could this be the console we’ve been waiting for?
Does the Wii U have what it takes to run a Pokemon MMO?
Is a Pokemon MMO already in development?
Are they even considering a Pokemon MMO?
These are just some of the questions we have been asking ourselves. We just don’t know, but what we do know, our desire for a Pokemon MMO has never been stronger.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
The Legendary Tale of the Legend of Zelda Series (Part 1) the Original
One of my favorite game series is the Legend of Zelda, which started on February 21, 1986 on the Japanese home console the Famicom with the Disk System peripheral and later released on the North American console the Nintendo Entertainment System on July 29, 1987. The first game in the series is simply known as the Legend of Zelda in the States and The Hyrule Fantasy: Legend of Zelda.
The original Zelda title was groundbreaking in its time as one of the first games to have an internal battery save feature and it was needed as the game wasn’t made to be beaten in a single play session. It was also known for its complex dungeons and numerous secrets that were able to drive players of the time insane. People who had the game had to seek each other out in the real world to share their knowledge of the secrets of the game as you couldn’t look it up on the internet in those days.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Struggling Success, the First Year of the 3DS
Everyone makes mistakes but it seems that a lot of companies won’t admit it when they make them, this ends up driving a lot of people mad when they do this. It’s good to know that some companies will admit when they do, Nintendo is one such company.
The latest mistake Nintendo has made was with their new portable handheld the 3DS. When it was released March 2011, it went for the high price of $250 which seemed pretty high to a lot of people, but Nintendo and a few of its followers, including myself, were sure that the portable device would be able to live up to the high cost.
Unfortunately things didn’t go as planned for the 3DS, Nintendo was able to get people excited for its portable device with all the third party support the 3DS was getting, hardly any of them had titles at the consoles release. Even Nintendo themselves didn’t have much for software release to go with it, which caused many customers to hold back on buying the handheld.
Those that did buy the 3DS were stuck with a mediocre library of games for the next few months.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Pichu; Chibi Pokedex Entry
Pichu; Chibi Pokedex Entry
Pichu Spring by ~CarinaT on deviantART
Pichu is a tiny mouse Pokemon and is the pre evolved form of the series mascot Pikachu. Despite its small size it can release bursts of electricity to shock even shock human. However, Pichu are unskilled at controlling their electricity and can sometimes accidently release it when surprised or startled. Because Pichu haven’t got much experience with their electricity they often shock themselves when they use it.
Pichu Spring by ~CarinaT on deviantART
Pichu is a tiny mouse Pokemon and is the pre evolved form of the series mascot Pikachu. Despite its small size it can release bursts of electricity to shock even shock human. However, Pichu are unskilled at controlling their electricity and can sometimes accidently release it when surprised or startled. Because Pichu haven’t got much experience with their electricity they often shock themselves when they use it.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Nintendo Giving Away 3 Kid Icarus Uprising AR Cards To Club Nintendo Members
Nintendo is giving away 3 Kid Icarus Uprising AR cards to Nintendo Club
members through their official site and guess what you can sign up for free.
The 3 AR cards you’ll get are;
Great Reaper
Drill Arm
Palutena (rare)
Get them fast, supplies are limited.
The 3 AR cards you’ll get are;
Great Reaper
Drill Arm
Palutena (rare)
Get them fast, supplies are limited.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Donkey Kong and Kirby May Be Heading To the 3DS
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Donkey Kong and Kirby! I hope they come. |
I have recently read some articles saying that Donkey Kong and Kirby may have some games coming to the 3DS, although these are just rumors but I would love them to be true.
From what I heard Nintendo is always trying stuff out with Kirby, most of which never get far. They even tried a 3D roaming experiment but I heard it didn’t do well, although I would love to see one like that, perhaps they were able to make it work on the 3DS, that’ll be nice.
As for the Donkey Kong one, I would love something similar to Donkey Kong 64. I loved exploring the 3 dimensional worlds that Rare came out with, too bad Rare left Nintendo so we could never get a sequel to it.
Yeah I would love these things to be true, but since these are only rumors they might not happen.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Happy 90th Ralph H. Baer (The Father of Video Games)
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Happy 90th Ralph H. Baer (The Father of Video Games) |
That’s right, the father of video games Ralph Baer, who invented the Odyssey (the first home console), turned 90 last Thursday.
He started development of the “Brown Box” and several other video game prototypes in 1966 for the defense-electronics company Sanders Associates. It was then licensed to Magnavox in 1971, and was renamed the Magnavox Odyssey before being released to the public in 1972.
Even though for a time it was Sanders most profitable line, it still had many obstacles to go through. Video games at the time were a new thing, and many people didn’t know what to make of it, game development was even looked down upon be many people in the company.
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Magnavox Odyssey Overlays |
Even though the graphics were practically nonexistent, using overlays that cover the TV screen, the video game “fad” had started. No one back then could have predicted were that so called “fad” would lead to, as it turned out, it led to a great place.
Now video games and computers are so advanced, Ralph Baer’s Magnavox Odyssey is but a distant memory, but a memory that will live on in the hearts of gamers forever.
Thanks Ralph H. Baer for helping start the video game craze.
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He Deserves That Medal |
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Nintendo Sells 4.5 Million 3DS Units In It's First Year
It may of started out weak, but Nintendo's newest handheld the 3DS has sold 4.5 million hardware units in it's first year. That's quite an amazing feat, as the DS only sold 2.37 million in it's first year.
At first it looked bad for Nintendo as they struggled to sell there newest console, finally having to cut the price to increase sales, but after awhile the bigger games started to come out and it started selling fast.
With many more first and third party titles on the way, Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime says that he expects a bright future for the glasses free 3D handheld. He also stated that there just getting started and that the platform was build for the long haul.
Some of the titles that helped boost sales where Mario Kart 7, Super Mario Land 3D, Monster Hunter 3G, as well as many others. With even more great title on the way it doesn't seem like this little system will stop any time soon.
The 3DS was released on March 27, 2011 so we got about two and a half weeks before it's first birthday.
The Nintendo 3DS also managed to sell 9 million software titles in it's first year, beating the DS's 5 million. Although even with the success of the console there are still people bashing on the success.
At first it looked bad for Nintendo as they struggled to sell there newest console, finally having to cut the price to increase sales, but after awhile the bigger games started to come out and it started selling fast.
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This is a 3DS |
Some of the titles that helped boost sales where Mario Kart 7, Super Mario Land 3D, Monster Hunter 3G, as well as many others. With even more great title on the way it doesn't seem like this little system will stop any time soon.
The 3DS was released on March 27, 2011 so we got about two and a half weeks before it's first birthday.
The Nintendo 3DS also managed to sell 9 million software titles in it's first year, beating the DS's 5 million. Although even with the success of the console there are still people bashing on the success.
5 Super Mario videos you should watch
Mario: Game Over
Mario and Peach are having some problems after moving to the real world.
Mega Man Legends 3 Project, What It Is And What Happened
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Title Logo |
Mega Man Legends 3, known as Rockman
Dash 3 in Japan, was announced by Capcom to come to Nintendo's 3DS
handheld. It was to be developed not just by Capcom but by fans as
well using the internet. There aim was to get players more involved
in the development process by letting fans vote on things such as
character designs and enemies to be used for the game.
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Aero's Concept Art |
It was indeed an interesting
experiment, Capcom even prepared a demo called Mega Ma Legends 3
Prototype Version that was going to be a download title from the
Nintendo eshop. Capcom said that they would use the profit from the
sales of this demo to create the game, however neither the game or
the demo were released.
On July 18, 2011 Capcom announced that
the project was canceled, which disappointed a large number of fans
who were looking forward to the game. Capcom said this was because
they believed that the Mega Man Legends 3 Project had failed because
not enough fans participated in the online Dev rooms.
Many fans didn't think this was an
adequate reason to cancel the game and started a petition to get the
game created. However the smarter fans knew that that wouldn't be of
much use as that would only show who wants the game, not who are
willing to help make the game. You see the projects goal was to get
fans more involved with the development process, not to create a
However even though the project seemed
to fail, Capcom could of done a little more such as say they needed
more participants in the Dev rooms, and they could of still released
the demo. Although I'm just speculating, Capcom probably understands
more about this then we do.
Whatever the case the Mega Man Legends
3 Project has failed, but that doesn't mean we'll never get the game,
we just won't get it from this.
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Roll, Aero, and Tron |
If you liked this article please tell
your friends about it.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Posts Made During The Past Week, February 26 To March 3
Weekly Update
Added Music Section
Added two songs to Music Section
Blog Posts
Which Pokemon Generation has the best
starters? Poll
10 Future Nintendo Headlines In 2012
>New Pokemon Title Not What You
>>I was close
Physical Copy Verses Digital Download
3DS Continues To Outsell PSP Vita In
Recent Video Game Rumors
Recent Video Game Rumors
There has been quite a few rumors this past week, but instead of posting short posts about them individually, I decided to post them at the end of the week in one post.
Wii U Power Rumor
During the week I heard two different rumors about Nintendo's upcoming Wii U. The first is that it may not be as powerful as we thought, saying it will be almost as powerful as the Xbox 360 and PS3. The other saying it's twice as powerful as the Xbox 360.
Since developers of computers are able to double the processing speed of computers every few years, I'd have to say the second one to be more believable.
We should probably just wait until Nintendo give the official word though.
Wii U Price Rumor
This rumor says that the price for the Wii U will be $299 in America and 20,000 yen in Japan. It seemed good at first and I even believed it as accurate, until I read another blog post saying that it didn't make since. 20,000 yen is about $250 in the States, which doesn't add up as Nintendo sells there consoles at higher prices in Japan the here. Although $299 still sounds like a good price to me (I don't want to have to pay a fortune for a new home console).
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
3DS Continues to outsell PSP Vita In Japan
3DS Continues To Outsell PSP Vita In
Nintendo's 3DS handheld continues to dominate the charts in Japan. With 4 titles on the list below it's looking good for Nintendo's new handheld. In contrast Sony may have more titles on the list but only 3 of them are on the PSP.
Nintendo's 3DS handheld continues to dominate the charts in Japan. With 4 titles on the list below it's looking good for Nintendo's new handheld. In contrast Sony may have more titles on the list but only 3 of them are on the PSP.
- [PSP] Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave
- [3DS] Harvest Moon: The Land of Origin
- [PS3] Naruto Shippuden: Narutimate Storm Generation
- [PSP] I Don’t Have Many Friends Portable
- [PS3] Asura’s Wrath
- [PSP] Nendoroid Generation
- [3DS] Super Mario 3D Land
- [3DS] Mario Kart 7
- [3DS] Monster Hunter 3G
- [PS3] The Idolmaster: Gravure For You! Vol.5
- Nintendo 3DS: 76,322
- PlayStation 3: 27,111
- PSP: 15,928
- PlayStation Vita: 11,186
- Wii: 7,878
- Nintendo DS: 1,639
- Xbox 360: 1,508
- PlayStation 2: 1,269
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Analysis; Sonic 4 Episode 2 Screenshots Vol. 2
Continuing from the last Analysis, we have more screenshots from Sonic 4 Episode 2. If you wish to read the first Volume then click here.
1. One Shield Two Heroes
In this screenshot from Sonic 4 Episode 2 we have Sonic and Tails in what looks to be a shield of some sort, but when I took a closer look it seemed more like a graphical effect caused while doing a combo move. I've come to this conclusion do to both characters being in there (which is unusual for a shield in the Sonic Series) and it looks more like a speed effect caused by super fast spinning when looked at closely.
2. Aquatic Ruins Zone At Night
I already talked about the Aquatic Ruins Zone graphic look last time and here we see it again, this time at night or possibly late evening. A similar thing happened in Sonic 4
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Night at the Aquatic Ruins Zone |
In this screenshot from Sonic 4 Episode 2 we have Sonic and Tails in what looks to be a shield of some sort, but when I took a closer look it seemed more like a graphical effect caused while doing a combo move. I've come to this conclusion do to both characters being in there (which is unusual for a shield in the Sonic Series) and it looks more like a speed effect caused by super fast spinning when looked at closely.
2. Aquatic Ruins Zone At Night
I already talked about the Aquatic Ruins Zone graphic look last time and here we see it again, this time at night or possibly late evening. A similar thing happened in Sonic 4
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Analysis; Sonic 4 Episode 2 Screenshots Vol. 1
Thanks to Destructoid super-sleuth Jim Sterling we got some nice screenshots of the upcoming Sonic 4 Episode 2. I'm not just going to show you them, I'm also gonna analyze them.
1. The Tornado
Impossible to miss is the Tornado, Sonic's Bi-plane. Even though it's Sonic's plane it's usually his buddy Tails (real name Miles Prower), although it's probably safe to say it's his now since he's always maintaining it and has it at his workshop (though never mentioned, Sonic still probably gave it to him at some point).
2. Purple Sonic
This is probably the second thing you noticed, a Purple Sonic! I am very sure this is just a lighting effect and not a palette glitch, probably due to the location of the sun. Upon a closer you can see that part of him is still blue, although I'm not really sure why. It could be that whatever lighting effect is going on isn't effecting his leg due to it's position or it could be a program glitch.
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Purple Sonic? Lighting effect or glitch? |
Impossible to miss is the Tornado, Sonic's Bi-plane. Even though it's Sonic's plane it's usually his buddy Tails (real name Miles Prower), although it's probably safe to say it's his now since he's always maintaining it and has it at his workshop (though never mentioned, Sonic still probably gave it to him at some point).
2. Purple Sonic
This is probably the second thing you noticed, a Purple Sonic! I am very sure this is just a lighting effect and not a palette glitch, probably due to the location of the sun. Upon a closer you can see that part of him is still blue, although I'm not really sure why. It could be that whatever lighting effect is going on isn't effecting his leg due to it's position or it could be a program glitch.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Sega Confirms Sonic & Sega All Star Racing Sequeal
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Sonic & Sega All Star Racing, Does Sonic really need a car? |
It seems Sega is actually making a squeal to Sonic & Sega All Star Racing. It hasn't been confirmed for a Nintendo console yet but I decided that I'll post about it anyways.
Why does Sonic even need a car? I would actually prefer a squeal to Sonic R, at least he was able to run in that game.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
No DVD/Blu-ray Support on Wii U
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Wii U Does Not Play DVD or Blu-Ray |
Nintendo has reconfirmed that the Wii U will not have DVD or Blu-ray support, This is actually understandable. The biggest issue is Nintendo always does there best to cut cost and adding such a capability to there console would make the console cost more (probably 50 bucks more). You could use that money you save from it not having the support to actually buy a separate one, and that'
s assuming you already don't have a device capable of doing so.
Nintendo DLC, Is it True?
Yes, Nintendo is actually considering
adding DLC (DownLoad Content) for some of there games. This come from
an article on http://www.computerandvideogames.com.
From other articles I've read, Nintendo
has stated that they will not release unfinished games that make you
have to pay for DLC to get the rest of the game.
Perhaps I'll create a list of things I
want as download content.
Nintendo Network More Than A Re-branding
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More then just Nintendo Wifi |
In an earlier post I mentioned that the upcoming Nintendo Network that's set to replace the Nintendo Wifi Connection was just a re-branding with few updates. This has since been proven to be false. In recent articles the Nintendo Network will have much more to offer, although almost all information is still being kept secret by Nintendo we have herd that this new network will be supporting DLC (Download Content).
We'll probably have to wait for E3 2012 till we get the real news though.
Nintendo Legend Shigeru Miyamoto Looking For Next Hit Seires
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Miyamoto Looking For Next Hit |
One of the latest bits of news from Nintendo is the legendary video game designer Shigeru Miyamoto is looking for the next big series. Now finding a hit series isn't an easy thing to do, but this legendary man has created big names before. Such names as Super Mario and Zelda are only a few of his masterpieces, not to mention he helped created many others that launched big time.
With Nintendo having problems lately Shigeru Miyamoto whose been the driving force of Nintendo (and possibly indirectly other video game companies) has stated that he believes the company must invest and develop it's way back to making a profit.
“Developing big hit titles must be the solution,” He told investors.
But with all the series Nintendo already has, what could they possibly come up with next. It may take some time but I'm confident if anyone could find such a new series it would be Shigeru Miyamoto.
Fan Trailer For Next Zelda On Wii U
Recently people and websites have been
talking about a recent Zelda Fan Trailer that's been posted on
YouTube. Although the trailer is interesting and fun to watch, the
concepts used would be impossible for a good video game. In fact I'd
same it's more suited to be a movie/anime with what was shown.
When I first watched it I was thinking
it would be more of a possibility or a new Zelda video game. However
the environments didn't look good to me and it seemed to play like a
sidescroller than the normal Zelda titles. That's not to say that a
sidescrolling Zelda is a bad thing, Zelda 2 The Adventure Of Link was
an awsome game, but with the graphics used and the way Link went
through them made me feel that if they made a Zelda title like this
it would be more like a revamp of The legend of Zelda The Faces Of
Evil on the Philips Cdi.
Yes I said it, I don't feel the concept
of what was shown in the video to be Zelda worthy and is more suited
to be a Cdi Zelda based on the Wind Waker Link. However when I think
about it as a video and not a game it can be pretty inspiring as an
animated series or a movie.
So in all this Fan Trailer is good as a
video but not a game.
Friday, January 27, 2012
New 2D Mario SideScroller Announced
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Mario Coming Back for another Sidescrolling Adventure |
Nintendo has recently announced that they are working on a new 2D sidescroller Mario title for the 3DS. Since it's a 2D Mario sidescroller it will most likely be under the New Super Mario Bros. title.
Now they did say 2D Mario but that doesn't mean it won't take effect of the 3D screen, so there could still be some 3D graphics involved, but if any are added it would just be for show (most likely).
Now I love me some sidescrolling Mario, but the last one Super Mario Bros. Wii didn't do it for me (probably that one was designed for multiplayer in mind), although I did like the Propeller Cap power up (best flight power up ever).
Nintendo plans to release this new Mario adventure sometime in the next fiscal year, which is between March 2012 and March 2013.
Nintendo's Console the Wii U may be changing it's name
It seems a lot of people aren't liking Nintendo's choice of name for the Wii U, and it seems Nintendo may be doing something about it.
When Nintendo revealed the name at last years E3, they told people that they chose the name Wii U because they were hoping people would notice it better without being pushed away by how different it was(or something like that), but it seems it has instead confused some people. Some think that it's like some sort of add on for the Wii and don't know that it's a completely new console. This seems to be the same case for the 3DS as people think that's just a new model.
I actually have to side with changing the name of the Wii U. I know it's a new console to be released later this year, but the name really isn't good. I understand want they wanted with the name, trying to keep it simple and say that it's for the player (which is what the U stood for), but it doesn't have that new console sound.
So tell me, what do you think they should rename the console too?
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Hulu Plus is still coming to the 3DS
Hulu Plus is the network that allows you to watch many different TV shows online. It was supposed to have released a version where you could use it with your 3DS in late 2011, but it hasn't happened. They still say they would come to the 3DS, we just don't know when.
Two series that have been release on Hulu are, Super Mario Super Show and The Legend of Zelda the Animated Series. Although these two shows don't hold up well today they were great in their day. Super Mario Super Show was once the most watched cartoon in America, so if you haven't seen these shows give them a look see.
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Super Mario Super Show Zelda Animated Series
Monday, January 23, 2012
Nintendo Network may just be a rebranding of Nintendo Wifi Connection
For the past few days people were wondering what the Nintendo Network was and if it will replace the old Nintendo Wifi Connection with something better.
Well a Nintendo customer service
representative said this:
Nintendo WFC (Wi-Fi Connection) and
Nintendo Network are one and the same. This is not to be confused
with any other network or connection as our servers are integrated to
one another.
So it now seems like this is just a re-branding of the "Nintendo Wifi Connection", though we won't know until we get an official word from Nintendo.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Rumor; Nintendo Network to replace Nintendo Wifi Connection
Nintendo Network to replace Nintendo Wifi Connection |
The Nintendo Network is supposedly the name of Nintendo's improved online service. It would replace the current Nintendo Wifi Connection for online gaming. Although I don't have much evidence but I believe it would be able to compete with the Playstation Network and XBOX Live.
Nintendo also plans to launch a website to go with the Nintendo Network to configure your personal settings. I'm not really sure what this means but it sounds like Nintendo is finally going to go to the next level of online gaming.
From what I heard both the 3DS and WiiU will be using the Nintendo Network.
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